US Army adopts Phoenix E for next-generation automated satellite communications

US Army adopts Phoenix E for next-generation automated satellite communications

The US Army’s 44th Expeditionary Signal Battalion-Enhanced, part of the 2d Theater Signal Brigade, recently undertook an important mission by deploying the Phoenix E system, marking a key upgrade from the older Phoenix D.

The Phoenix E system is a flexible, diverse multi-band SATCOM system that can operate with various military and commercial satellites and multiple satellite networks as mission requirements.

The US Army’s 44th Expeditionary Signal Battalion-Enhanced, part of the 2d Theater Signal Brigade, recently undertook an important mission by deploying the Phoenix E system, marking a key upgrade from the older Phoenix D.

The Phoenix E system is a flexible, diverse multi-band SATCOM system that can operate with various military and commercial satellites and multiple satellite networks as mission requirements.

“It incorporates internet protocol capable frequency division multiple access and time division multiple access net-centric waveform modems to increase network diversity, robustness, and capacity along with the addition of a dual head upgrade to access two satellites and/or bands simultaneously.”

Internet protocol baseband

The primary difference between the Phoenix D and E models is the type of equipment they can interface. 

The Phoenix E can seamlessly interface with internet protocol baseband equipment that the Army is transitioning to, which the Phoenix D cannot. 

It is a simpler design with reduced equipment but with the same high throughput capabilities. It also eliminates several obsolescence issues with the Phoenix D, which has been in the field for nearly 20 years.

This transition is not just a change in equipment but a testament to the battalion’s vital role in the fielding process.