Only one contender for VP can help Trump win

Only one contender for VP can help Trump win

The editorial board of the New York Post just weighed in on their preferred pick for Donald Trump’s running mate, noting that North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance appear to be the front-runners in the VP chase. They rate Burgum the best choice, praising him for his executive experience, successful business background and for being tech-savvy.  

The Post’s analysis makes sense, but let’s get real: there’s only one candidate who would help Donald Trump win in November, and that’s Nikki Haley.  

Folks, it is all about winning. This country cannot tolerate another four years of Joe Biden. Four more years of White House ideologues pushing extreme agendas on climateimmigration and crime will permanently enshrine policies that are damaging to our country. Four more years of cozying up to Iran, entrenching the U.S. in globalist agreements, and working against our own geopolitical advantages in, for instance, fossil fuel dominance will further weaken our standing on the world stage. 

It is abundantly clear that the elites pulling Joe Biden’s strings do not care about ordinary Americans. People concerned about the cost of living do not spend billions of dollars on electric vehicles and other climate boondoggles. People concerned about public safety do not open our borders to millions of unvetted migrants. People concerned about the nation’s health do not allow diseases and fentanyl to flood across our border. 

Americans are wising up to the derelictions of the Biden presidency. Hispanics, whose neighborhoods are newly overrun by gangs and drugs imported from Venezuela and elsewhere, are calling for mass deportations. Biden is so deaf to their anger he counters by increasing amnesty programs and continuing to prop the border open. 

Voters rail at inflation; Biden ducks responsibility, calling out Vladimir PutinDonald Trumpmean companies and assorted other villains for the 20 percent hike in food prices on his watch. 

We can and must do better. We must usher Joe Biden out and Donald Trump in. Is Trump perfect? By no means; he is combative to a fault, arrogant and undisciplined. But he has been right — right about the threat posed by China, right about the need for our NATO allies to increase their financial commitment to their self-defense, and right to bring Arab nations and Israel together as a bulwark against Iran. He was also right also to embrace lower taxes and lighter regulation, allowing the economy to boom. He brought unemployment down and real wages up.  

Today, the race for the White House is a dead heat, according to national polling. Though much of the country deems Biden incapable of performing the duties of commander in chief, and though his approval rating is hitting historic lows, the president’s chances of being reelected should not be dismissed. The media is on his side, dismissing damaging video of brain freezes and missteps as fakes and misconstruing everything that Trump says; that’s formidable competition. Moreover, Democrats will again push each and every constituency, including employees of federal agencies, to get out the vote in districts where they will prevail.